Fraud News
Need to report card fraud? Call 800-647-2328, option 4
or text 318-549-8145 M-F 8:30 AM - 5 PM.
After hours debit card fraud call 866-274-2761.
After hours credit card fraud call 800-543-5073.
Contact Us
800-647-2328, option 4
Or 318-549-8200
Mon-Fri | 8:30am - 7pm
Sat. | 9am - 1pm
Important Messages
Opt-in by texting BFCU to 800-647-2328Report Card Fraud
800-647-2328, option 4
Or 318-549-8200
8:30am - 5pm Mon-Fri
After Hours Credit Card:
After Hours Debit Card:
Additional Information
Stay up-to-date with the latest fraud schemes.
1. Fraud Calls:
WARNING! Scammers are spoofing our phone numbers and calling to ask about your accounts and cards! They are hoping they get a BFCU Member. Hang up! We will not call you to ask about your personal financial information. If you gave out any information, please call us directly!
2. Fraud Text Messages:
Be aware of fraudulent text messages in circulation. To see examples of fraudulent text messages, click here. Never click on links in unsolicited texts.
3. Fake Zelle Representative
Members have reported receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be a Zelle representative. The scammer wanted to verify a charge and asked the member to provide a “16-digit PIN.” Hang up on these scammers. If you gave any personal information away, please contact the credit union immediately to prevent account fraud.
4. Zelle® Scam
Zelle is a great service to have available, but it is also a target for scammers. One of the most common scams in an effort to get access to your account involves password change requests. Never give out your password to anyone. Fraudsters may also try to call or text pretending to be your credit union stating you have had a number of suspicious transactions on your account. And then they will ask a series of questions or send you a verification password to prove your identity. They may also ask you to verify a charge on your account and ask you to provide a 16-digit pin number. These are scams to access your funds! If you believe you are being scammed, hang up and call BFCU.
5. Online/Mobile Banking Scam
Watch out for phone calls from individuals posing as “Fraud Reps”. The “rep” asks for your username and passwords to online banking and the “rep” logs into your online banking account and conducts external transfers (taking money from your account). We will not call you or text you or email you requesting your online banking username and password.
6. Fake Websites
Recently there has been an increasing trend of fake websites created by scammers made to resemble authentic websites, also known as “spoofed websites.” For example, the website may appear to be a financial institution’s online banking log-in page. Once the member enters their log-in credentials, they are obtained by scammers and used to defraud you and your financial institution potentially.
Another increasing trend in today’s financial world is phishing campaigns that attempt to coerce individuals into downloading fake windows or internet applications on their computers and using that information for malicious purposes. Barksdale Federal will never ask you to download any additional applications onto your computer or device.
As a precaution and safety tip, we advise all of our members to log in to Online Banking on our website or the BFCU Mobile App. If you feel you have become a fraud victim, please contact BFCU at 800-647-2328 or visit a BFCU Center immediately to notify a representative.
Helpful Tips to Avoid Scams
- Only call Barksdale Federal via the phone numbers available on our website
- Do not share your credentials or provide one-time passcodes to anyone who is not authorized to access to your account. Barksdale Federal employees will NEVER ask for your online banking credentials.
- Never click on links in unsolicited emails or texts.
- If you receive a text, call or email for a one-time passcode authorization that you did not request, you should not respond to the text, call or email to validate the login. Call BFCU immediately.
- You should never trust caller ID as caller ID may be spoofed to look like a BFCU number.