Application Checklist
Application Information
The home you want. The lender you trust.
Property Information
- If purchasing, copy of Purchase Agreement
- If refinancing, copy of mortgage and insurance declaration page
- If construction, copy of plans and specifications
- If you currently own property, copy of cash sale deed or mortgage
Borrower Information
- Copy of divorce documents
- Copy of bankruptcy proceedings with status and explanation
- Gift letter or explanation of sources of funds for closing costs
Income Information
- Most recent pay stubs showing year-to-date earnings and pay period
- If self-employed, last two years federal tax returns and W-2 forms
- Documentation of any other income (if using for qualification)
Other Information
- Name and address of landlord(s) for the past 2 years
- Explanation letter for any late payments, judgments, liens, bankruptcy or foreclosure
- Closing Statement from sale of current property
- Copies of last two months bank statements
- Due to the U.S. Patriot Act, you may be asked for documentation concerning your identity
- If non-resident, copy of Certificate of Resident Alien Status (Green Card)